P. 15
only really happened after WWII). “the people whose (also known as “Transjordan”).
It is strongly arguable that the However, the eastern boundary of
State of Israel has been faithful connection with Palestine was finally determined
to this principle – it is the only Palestine has been by the Palestine Order-in-Council,
real democracy in the Middle East which was then communicated by
where “civil and religious rights” recognized is still way of a note to the Council of the
of all citizens are respected and League of Nations in September
protected by law. outside its boundaries” 1922. Article 2 of this note stated
that the provisions of “the Mandate
4. Diaspora protections for Palestine are not applicable
The Mandate also stated that 5. Later borders – north, to the territory known as Trans-
“nothing should be done which east, south Jordan”. The British government
might prejudice the … rights and The San Remo Resolution and took this step under Article 25 of
political status enjoyed by Jews the Mandate for Palestine did not the Mandate. The Council of the
in any other country”. This is also specifically define the borders of League of Nations approved this
remarkable, when one realizes the Mandate territory of Palestine; decision which was confirmed in
that in the subsequent decades, these were to be fixed by the an Anglo-Transjordanian Treaty of
especially after the creation of Principal Allied Powers. Although the 20 February 1928. The southern
the State of Israel, hundreds of British-French boundary agreement boundary between Palestine
thousands of Jews were forced to of 1920 included the Golan Heights and Egypt was established by a
leave their homes and properties in in the Palestine Mandate, the boundary agreement between the
many countries in the Middle East. boundary line between “the Greater British and the Ottomans in 1906.
Lebanon and Syria on the one side
and Palestine on the other side”
was demarcated more specifically in * Jacob Stoyanovsky, The Mandate for Palestine: A
a later agreement in 1922 in which Contribution to the Theory and Practice of International
the Golan Heights fell under the Mandates (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1928):
Mandate for Syria.
To the east, in the first instance About The Author
the Principal Allied Powers had Andrew Tucker is an Australian-born
international lawyer. Based in The Netherlands,
agreed that the territory of Palestine he is Principal of Tucker & Associates, Director
was to include the territories lying of the think-tank The Hague Initiative for
International Co-operation (“thinc.”), and
between the Jordan River and the International Adviser to Christians for Israel
eastern boundary of Palestine International.
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