The leaders of the largest churches in the UK have opposed moving the British embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  But their views are not representative of our organisations and members, both churches and individuals.  We believe that unchanging biblical promises are the only realistic pathway to political peace.  Specifically, both the Old and New Testament, including Jesus Himself (Matt 23:37-39; Luke 21:24), promise the return of the Jewish people home to Jerusalem - the essential meaning of "Zionism".

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The recent statements by senior church leaders insist that an embassy move, recognising Jerusalem as the Jewish capital, would undermine peace between Israel and the Palestinians to be achieved through negotiations.  However, this ignores the religious heart of the conflict over the Old City and Temple Mount, something over which UN resolutions are powerless and even counter-productive regarding freedom of worship.  On the other hand, the move of the American embassy demonstrated how it can actually lead to more secure peace in the region.    

We "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6), noting that this psalm itself emphasises the city's central importance for Jewish worship and government.  Only when its holy King returns to it will He make it the centre of peace for the world.  In the meantime, we must seek provisional peace and fairness for both sides, so it is manifestly unfair for the British embassy for Israel to remain in Tel Aviv when the Palestinian consulate is not in Ramallah but in East Jerusalem.  If moving our embassy will strengthen British relations with the Jewish nation, a key ally and our spiritual older brother, then as Christians we see this as a valid reason.  We will keep praying until God makes Jerusalem "the joy of the whole earth" (Psalm 48:2; Isaiah 62:7). Download our full article on this subject here

Love Never Fails (LNF) was an initiative by several British Christian organisations in the late 1990s to demonstrate through action a sincere repentance and sorrow for British anti-semitism through the ages. Since then, LNF has become a wide-ranging alliance of Israel-related organisations and charities and has continued to show love and practical support for Israel and the Jewish people through its projects in Britain and Israel.

LNF Projects


Repentance and reconciliation projects carried out by LNF

More about LNF

More about LNF

Click here to see our history and more about the work we have carried out over the years
LNF Member ministries

The LNF Ministries

A list of all the member organisations of LNF with website and contact details.

"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance..."

(Luke 3:8)


The most recent projects undertaken by Love Never Fails

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Atlit Ceremonies 2022

Atlit 2022 - Rededication of LNF memorial and remembering the immigrant ship Moledet

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Balfour Centenary

Marking the centenary of the Balfour Declaration with an event in the Royal Albert Hall.

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Rev William Hechler

LNF worked with the Jewish community to give a hero of Zionism a proper grave in London.

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Atlit Detention Camp

How LNF installed a memorial at Britain's detention camp near Haifa, where Jewish immigrants were interred.