About Us

Love Never Fails (LNF) began as a Repentance movement. In October 1997 Sister Pista of the Evangelical Sisters of Mary spoke at the Christian Feast of Tabernacles organised by the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem. She called for repentance from the Church for its 2,000 year history of antisemitism. This call was picked up by the trustees of Christian Friends of Israel, who decided that something should be done in the UK. So, in June 1998 representatives from several pro-Israel and prayer ministries came together in London to see what could be done. They agreed to form an alliance of ministries, and settled on the name "Love Never Fails". Their goal was to implement the repentance initiative (see article) advocated by Sister Pista within the UK. (photo, Sister Pista of the Evangelical Sisters of Mary speaking at the Christian Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem)

After this time of emphasis on repentance, the scripture that came to us was from Luke 3:8 "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." Saying we were sorry was not enough; we needed to engage in acts of righteousness - "Tzedekah" in Hebrew. This conviction from God led to initiatives throughout the first years of the 21st Century, described elsewhere on the site.

The alliance now has representatives from around twenty Christian pro-Israel organisations based in the UK.

Together, we are grounded in a shared commitment to prayer and fellowship, meeting regularly to share about what God is doing through our various ministries. LNF also provides a platform for birthing and planning common initiatives, and a network for developing vision and strategy for promoting God's heart that there be a coming together of Christians and Jews.

Love Never Fails advocates for a broader recognition among Christians of God's ongoing relationship with Israel - the Jewish people - which we pray will enable dialogue, reconciliation, understanding and relationship to flourish. This is the only appropriate context within which Jews and Christians can do things which neither fake rolex of us can do properly alone: things like coming to terms with the wrongdoings of the past, resisting antisemitism in the present, building the kingdom of God, recognising the meaning and significance of the modern State of Israel, and exploring the New Testament's claims about Jesus.