P. 5
“Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the adopted also by Britain’s allies,
ancient paths – where the good way is – and who formally introduced it into
binding international law at the
walk in it; and you will find rest for your San Remo Conference. Historians,
international lawyers, and other
souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16, Hebrew Bible) public figures have contributed
short, focused articles about the
Resolution itself, its significance
to world civilisation through their caused them indescribable grief and subsequent impact, and its
creativity and skills, their culture and rejection. legacy of ongoing relevance for
and philosophical principles, such current disputes about ‘occupied
as human rights – that every human But in all their wandering and territory’, ‘illegal settlements’, and
is created equally in the image suffering, the Jewish people have the status of Jerusalem.
of God. Their sacred Scriptures never had another homeland
are considered authoritative by than the land promised to their All excerpted quotes and headings
Christianity also, and Muslims ancestors Abraham, Isaac and in the articles were chosen by the
share a respect for their writers and Israel. Their ancient Scriptures editor; the text itself should alone
stories. Sadly, those most inspired contain repeated divine promises be quoted as the words of the
by their spiritual heritage have also of an eventual regathering for the authors, who do not necessarily
benefit of all nations. Following agree with each other’s views.
three centuries of British Christian Even so, they join with the coalition
activism to see this hope realised,* of organisations who initiated this
Britain’s wartime cabinet issued the centennial project, to commend to
Balfour Declaration on 2 November the reader the enduring value of
1917, promising to use its best this pathway for peace.
endeavours to support the desire of
the Jewish people to establish their Dr James Earle Patrick
national home in their ancestral Editor
land, and respecting the rights of all
its other inhabitants.
* Dr James E. Patrick, British Christian History and
This guide the Jewish People: Recovering an Ancient Spiritual
The articles assembled in this Legacy (Cambridge: Grove Books, 2017).
educational guide tell the story of
Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time, Saint Joseph’s Univ.
how that declaration of intent was
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